
Monday, November 17, 2008

Guys Weekend...take two!

Had a great weekend as I spent it with Chandler and Spencer while Christa was out of town at the Ladies Retreat for church. We ordered Pizza Friday night and played a lot of Hot Wheels. Saturday we headed out to Tae Kwon Do for some teaching as Chandler helped out Mee-a with the Karate Kubs. God's grace showered down as Mr. Loyka showed up to help out as well. Following class, we (Mr. Loyka, Mee-a and myself) tutored on the students on board breaking as he is breaking for his black belt test tonight. Diane watched Spinner on the playground and gave him a new battery operated monster truck which he of course absolutely loved! It didn't leave him all weekend.

We grabbed some grub for lunch, Spencer napped, Chandler cleaned his room and I worked on music for a bonfire Saturday night. Ten years have passed by since last leading worship with a group of people. Talk about a trip down nostalgic lane! A good time was had by all. Mee-a came over to sit Spencer and she did an outstanding job. Chandler and I arrived back from the bonfire around 8:30. He was covered in soot from the fire as he threw logs and branches, etc. on the fire for over about an hour and a half. He and I watched Casino Royale that night (I fast forwarded past the torture scene.

Sunday arrived and we drove over to the Humble City Cafe for breakfast and then out to church for Sunday School. The amount of stuff to clean in Chandler's room building, we decided to skip big church and get back to the humble abode so that he could finish the room. Someone hit Spencer's "touchy" button the rest of the day, so I didn't get to really go anywhere as he was either sleeping or spending time in his room having a time out for having little melt downs. 

Christa pulled in the driveway around 5 or so and brought gifts! I got a creme brulee! Yummmmmm...

The weekend ended on a special moment as I caught a glimpse of Spencer in mommy's lap watching the Wizard of Oz. Great moment. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The week...

It has been quite the up and down week. I set my goals for 2009. They are aggressive for this economy, but I believe that I can attain them with determination and focus. Work is a challenge right now as not many people want to move. Therefore, I am attempting to adapt to that in my daily routine with either getting a retainer (guaranteed money) or write jobs that I can get local talent for the open position.

I didn't get in much exercise this week as Christa was still sick. The doc changed her meds and now she is doing much better as of yesterday. She is out right now with Chandler on a date. They went to Chuy's and to go see Madagascar 2. I did about 60 miles this morning and felt good after which is a good sign especially for the knee.

I have decided to put off the knee injections as they are $600 per shot. I would need three and since it is a different type of injection than Synvisc, they would only last three months. $1800 for three months is a little crazy.

I have decided that I want to train for a few TT races next year. I have never done that before, so I will have to do some research on how exactly to train for that as well as diet, rest, etc. I need a new physical challenge to keep me motivated and on the bike. I think this would be a lot of fun and would help me get into some pretty incredible shape as well. I will probably have to drop 20 lbs. for in order to be competitive, so we'll see. 

I took some great pics of Spinner a couple of weeks ago. I posted my favorite of him jumping in the air to his "big boy" bed.