
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

It has been a great weekend so far as Grandpa and Grandma Jan came to visit yesterday. We ate some really good fried shrimp, fish and a wonder salad thanks to Jan and yours truly (I did the salad - full of almonds, avocado, strawberries, and blue cheese!)...yummmmmmm!

We hung out most of the afternoon. Spencer drew some pics for dad and Jan and Jan showed her arts and crafts talents by constructing numersous little things for Spencer's enjoyment out of pipecleaners...even some glasses that he and dad wore for everyone's laughter. Chandler showed off his chops on the drums to dad and Jan's jaw drop as they haven't heard him play in a while. He has really excelled and done nothing but get better and better each week. It is kind of scary how good he is after just one year. I will post a video soon.

School ends this week and summer break officially begins. We are headed to an Astros game on the with some fantastic seats from a client of mine. We get to sit behind home plate about 30 rows up. Some incredible seats! Thanks, Clark!

My riding has taken quite the hit, but I have had some good trainer time lately. This morning I put in the dvd to the 2001 Tour and rode up the Alpe with Wow...can't imagine doing that! I did ride for an hour and 15 mins and mostly did up/downs. It was a lot of fun and I had a puddle of sweat on the towel below my bike when I was done. Good stuff.

Church this morning at 11, helping a friend out after that, and then off to a graduation reception at the Baird's. Chill time tonight...probably watch a movie with the Chan man.

There is nothing but blue sky today...great day...good worship...great friends...blessed with the two best boys in the world. God is good.

The pic above is of Chandler and Spencer playing a really cool game that was brought back from Haiti to Frontier Camp. The best camp in Texas!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Great Day....

What a great day. Spent the day mulching the front flowerbeds. They look so good. With my father's tutlege and Lisa's guidance, they look fantastic!  They "pop" with the flowers.

Chandler is getting better and better with the mower, so the yard looks fantastic. Spencer helped a lot with his bucket and little shovel by putting mulch around the flowers. How cute can he get?!

Now that we are all clean, it is time for some errands, cooking some ribs on the grill with my soaked hickory chips and then a good movie for the evening...maybe some Monty Python for a good laugh.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Welcome Back!

It has been a long time. So much has happened. All I can say is, God is so good and his mercy, grace, and sovereignty is so far reaching. Each day I am reminded just how much God not only loves me, but that He is not done with me.

I am going to be keeping this blog up more often now to share what is up with myself, Chandler and Spencer on an ongoing basis. Summer should be interesting as I am a single daddy now. Chandler will be quite the traveler heading to Panama City, FL with the Dodgen's, Keller to see Aunt Vickie, Covington to fish and hang with Mimi and Papa, Clear Lake to fish and hang with Grandpa and Grandma, and of course two weeks at Frontier Camp.

Spencer will be quite busy as well soaking in another summer of MDO, swim lessons and I am sure a ton of cycling on the greenbelts with Danielle, Laura, Madeline, etc.

I plan on taking a trip myself for a week. It will be good to get away, bring my Time and hammer away on the pedals in some hills, mountains or where ever else I sojourn.

This weekend will be encompassed my a lot of mulch, paint, and boxing things up as we declutter the house, get the flowerbeds looking somewhat nice, etc, so that our home starts to look like a home again.

In the meantime, the pic at the top is of Chandler and Spencer at our most recent Slip-n-Slide event in the front yard a couple of Sunday's ago. This has to be one of the best pictures I have taken of the boys in a while. They are growing up and I am so blessed to watch that and be a part of that everyday.