
Monday, July 21, 2008

What a weekend!

Truly as the title was quite the weekend. It really started on Friday early...12:01 a.m. to be exact when I took Chandler to the 1st showing of "The Dark Knight". He did a great job helping the Mobley's move stuff from their house to storage that I decided to treat him to the movie earlier than I had even thought. I figured....hey why not create a little memory while I am at it. So, we went. I think I was the oldest person there! I got a good chuckle out of that fact alone. The movie was outstanding...and long. By the time we got home and in bed, it was 3:30! 

Friday night was the rehearsal dinner for Ricky and Mary's wedding. It went off great and the reception was a mini-reunion from my last youth group. It was amazing seeing faces that I hadn't seen in nine years. Some of them married and some of them married with babies!! Gahhhhh! Time flies. 

Saturday morning, I rose and met up with the Paisano/Red Tide crew for our normal Saturday morning jaunt. Following the first sprint, there was quite a bit of separation. I ended up in the fast group as we headed to the park. Once out of the park, we sojourned to Crosby at a moderate pace, but had fractured the group again. There was about 10 of us in the speedy group. Once we arrived at 90, I looked down at the clock and realized that there was no way I could get in 70 miles, so I told the group I had to go straight, hit Ramsey and get 9:30. It was 8:00 and I had to be home by 9:30. I was 25 miles away from my driveway. I hit the bump of the drive by 9:15 dripping in sweat from the 95% humidity. 

Then it was off to do some shopping. Chandler needed some shorts for camp. I needed a tie for the wedding that didn't scream either power tie or Disney!! Chandler and Christa did a great job helping and it was Chandler's that won the prize for the tie to be worn at the wedding. 
Chandler found some shorts and some blue jeans for Frontier Camp and we kept Spencer happy with a couple of brand new Hot Wheels. All was well in the land of Cahill.

Back home we arrived and off to the showers to get ready for the wedding. It is always such a privilege to perform a wedding ceremony. But, to get to do the wedding of people that you know and care for, just makes it that much more special. Ricky and Mary were great. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was great. The mini-reunion continued as there were others that came who were not at the rehearsal. What a night. Definitely one of the best nights of the year by far for me. A lot of great memories that I will hold onto for a long long time. For those of the KCC youth group that read this and were there...Christa and I love you and am so proud of all of you. What a blessing it was to be able to be a part of your lives for a short period, and then be able to see how God has shaped and molded you more and more into His Son. You all are great!

Well...the weekend continued with Frontier Camp. It is that time of year. This will be Chandler's third and final year of regular camp. Next summer he will get to go to Teen Week. The timing of arrival was rather amazing as my sister pulled up right as we were hoisting out Spencer's ATSV(All Terrain Stroller Vehicle) from the back of the Pacifica. As we stood inline with the Dodgen's, Spencer was being entertained by Uncle Rick, and the rest of the boys were already reacquainting with each other and, I am sure, conspiring on what was going to happen this year. All 5 of the bosom buddies are in the same cabin!! Chandler, Evan (my sis' son), Brandon (Rick and Nina's boy), Bryan (a boy from last year), and Davis (Evan's bud from when they lived in Houston). They are going to have a blast. Chandler is riding horses for the first time this year and is also getting to do some more orienteering with Hans. He loves that part as Hans is pretty amazing with the kids. 

Back to the humble abode we drove. Pooped as we hit the door. Spencer got a good bath. He was still excited because he was able to see a horse up close for the first time. Sydney walked with the two of us over to a horse at the camp. While she was petting the horses nose, Spencer let a big pbtpbptpbptpbptpbptpbpt (I guess that is how you type that sound?). It was quite cute. He ran around the grounds with me for a while and had a good 2 1/2 year old time outside of his ATSV. So, he was pretty sweaty and was Wooby. So, they both got a bath. Spencer then entertained us in his car bed by playing peek-a-boo with his blanket and was laughing uncontrollably as he was running on fumes. It didn't take him long to go to sleep.

Christa and I chilled on the couch and watched the TiVOed season premier of Psych to end our busy weekend with a good laugh. 

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