
Thursday, September 25, 2008

This month...

Whoa...where to start...: 

1) Prep for home for hurricane

2) Take Friday the 12th off to find a generator knowing we would need one this time! Christa works her magic by finding one on

3) Dad flees Clear Lake as he gets a mandatory evacuation

4) Hunker down in master bedroom for 12 straight hours as tropical storm and hurricane force winds slam kingwood and we get to listen to branches, pine cones, and other hard objects pelt the roof

5) Gaze out at destruction at 10 a.m. and notice that the gutter is jammed and the street is beginning to flood due to the debris blocking it

6) Walk out in wind and rain to unjam the gutters in the street and then watch as I realize that I just started a raging river! Where is my raft now that I need it?

7) Clean up and then go help the neighbor down the street who had a pine tree land on their house - realize how blessed we are that no trees fell on our humble abode!

8) Clean up more

9) Crank up the generator and move everything out of the outside fridge - meanwhile next door neighbor's generator dies and we now share our generator - a real blessing as we split the gas cost as well! Thank you Claudio and Debbie!!!

10) Monday hits and still no power and laundry is starting to pile up. 

11) Wednesday - Good buddy invites us to his house - I get some work done and Christa gets 3 loads of laundry done and folded as my friend has power....

12) Dad comes through with a miracle by calling in a favor to a company he does consulting with in the Galleria and gets me an office space that I can use until my power comes back in my office space. WoooHooooo!

13) Thursday night - Neighbors two doors down show Star Wars on a big screen for the kids in the neighborhood - love all of our neighbors!

14) Got in a ride on Saturday! The bonus? Lights come back on during the neighborhood showing of National Treasure that night!!

15) We take in some Kingwood evacuees as they do not have power (and still do not!) yet. They stay with us until Tuesday. are welcome back anytime Maddy!

16) Office power back Monday morning 

17) Been playing catch-up most of the week and am just now starting to get back into a rhythm at the office.

18) Realize that I have not updated this in quite some time due to the storm as I received a wonderful note from one of my favorite "teenagers" (ha...not even close any more...j/k Rebecca) giving me more memories of my youth ministry days (I loved giving you a bad time with the Michael W. Smith always made you smile and laugh...thanks for the great memory!).

19) Rush to update my blog and realize that it is 8:21 and I still need to shower and get my booty to my office to get cold calling!!

Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support during Ike. Please be praying for all of those who are still without power, lost their homes and personal valuables, Galveston Island and all of those there, my dad as he puts his home back together in Clear Lake and my wife's sanity as Chandler starts back at school today finally and Spencer gets to go back to mom's day out as well this morning!

We love you. 

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